Here's the deal. As I mentioned in my profile I have a very large family and fortunately we live relatively close to each other. My two younger sisters
needed a sitter for the day and offered to make a donation to Caleb's trip if he could watch them. The girls are five and six and love getting to spend time with each other so keeping them is no trouble at all.
Caleb's school was in a baseball tournament so we loaded up the car and headed to the games!! The weather was beautiful and we were thankful the sun was out after so much rain and it was WARM!!!! When we got back from the games, the girls went to our backyard neighbors and jumped on the trampoline with the kids. The older boys had a serious game of basketball going on at the same time. How do children have so much energy?
After Paul and I worked in the yard a while, we were worn out but they just kept going and going. When I called everyone in for supper, I could not stop laughing at the dirty little girls who came running in. Anyone who has ever jumped on a trampoline knows how your feet will turn a little black. Try running through a mudpuddle, getting your feet wet, then jumping on the trampoline. It took us a while, but we finally got everyone cleaned up enough to eat. At this point my sisters texted to check on the girls and see if they were having a good time. I took pictures on the phone and assured them that all was well.
Meanwhile, one of the neighbor's kids had been to a birthday party at the fire station so he came over to show us his new hat.
He wanted his picture taken too.
We sent the girls home tired, happy and DIRTY!! I think they fell asleep before they even got out of the driveway. We all had fun and raised money for our trip. Stay tuned for more interesting ways of how we are going to get to Costa Rica!!!!