Thursday, July 15, 2010

Beach/Pool Day

Today has been such a blast even though it kept raining off and on. Swimming in a pool was a huge hit with all of the kids. Kim W had fun teaching Jennifer how to swim on top of the water and Jennifer was so proud when she swam all the way across the pool. There were some major water gun fights going on at the same time. The older kids enjoyed doing that! We had lunch under the pavilion and after lunch did some activities waiting on the rain to go away. It is amazing to me how it will be flooding on minute and sunny the next.

Jaylen cut his foot on something in the pool so Brian and Chino doctored it up for him. After cleaning it, they put coffee grounds on it and wrapped it up. We weren't quite sure the exact purpose of it, but maybe it is a Costa Rican remedy.

Gerald (in the wheelchair) had so much fun watching everyone swim in the pool. He even lifted his head so he could see more of the action and would laugh aloud. Mrs. Edna, or Grandma, was so proud of him and just loved on him all day long!

When it quit raining, we walked over to the beach to play in the sand and waves. It didn't take long until almost everyone was in the water jumping waves. Even the adults were getting knocked down by the strong waves.

Having the kids come to the hotel really opened the door for us to minister to others. We were able to tell other guests about Visiting Orphans and its mission. Maybe God will work in their hearts to join a group soon!

I don't even want to talk about how it felt to help them load the van to leave and watch them say good-bye to us. I expected it to be emotional, but I am unable to find words to express how much we grew to love each child in such a short period of time.

God knows each child's need and how best to meet that need. He knows the tias need strength and wisdom to guide the children daily. Only He can give them total peace.

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