Sunday, July 11, 2010

Our Journey Begins

Praise the Lord....we have all made it safe and sound to Costa Rica! There are 14 people in our group, including several children. Our ages range from 9 to...let's just say...NOT 9. We got into the airport late last night, drove for about 30 minutes, and arrived at our hotel ready for a good night's rest. Last night we could not see much as we were driving in, but we woke to a beautiful sight outside our rooms. Right now we are in the Cabana area by the pool in a pavilion waiting on our breakfast. We had our devotional and talked about scaffolding and how God wants to change us...on the outside and inside. I can tell you from personal experience and from already talking with the others that God is working on this trip!

We will board the bus after breakfast and make the 3 hour trip to our first orphanage where we will spend a few hours visiting with the children and the tias. After lunch, we will again climb aboard and travel to the second orphanage and spend a little time getting to know them. We will get to our hotel tonight, check in, eat dinner, and get rested for another full day.

This is such an exciting journey already and we have only just begun!

Kim and Caleb


  1. Yeah! I am so glad you made it!! I hope you have a great week! Love on those kiddos for me....I miss them already! Alicia

  2. Will be praying for the both of you!! Cant wait to read what God is doing through you on this trip! :)

