One of the hightlights for the kids at Cocos was the day it finally quit raining and we were able to walk to the soccer field and play. Thanks to some of our wonderful team members each child received his/her own ball to keep. The boys especially enjoyed getting out and playing "football" or soccer. Raul played so hard that when we got back he fell asleep with his ball.
I wish I had a picture of Alexis, who is blind, running beside Chino (our tour guide) playing with his ball. Chino said this was his favorite moment of all because he was able to talk to Alexis and tell him when to hit his ball. For Alexis to get to run with no worries of bumping into anything was just awesome. At least I did get a picture of them sitting in the bleachers talking to each other. Chino was such a blessing to us and all of the kids. We were so thankful to have him as part of the team and could not have done it without his help.
I can't get all of the pictures to load right now so I will add the rest later. Sorry....technical difficulties I guess!!
We will be out of town for a few days, but when we get back look for more posts and pictures. I still want to share how Adriana and Jose' just stole my heart. All of the kids are precious but I think each team member had a connection with a different child. It is amazing how God brought this team together and used each of our gifts for His glory.
I love your photos and hearing about the team! Sounds like you were a huge blessing to the kids and they to you. Love the mural - it came out amazing! The pool and beach shots are wonderful!